Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Live Your Life

A few weeks ago I was driving home listening to the radio and was reminded why I love interviews so much.

This episode of Fresh Air with Terry Gross features Maurice Sendak, author of Where the Wild Things Are and many others, and is one of the best radio moments I have heard. The 20 minute interview brings out the ancient wisdom within Sendak as he discusses his life and work. Much of it focuses on his relationships with others. His lover who's crossed over, and more recently, two close friends. He has aged as well and reflects on this experience with awe and delight mixed with deep grief.

At least listen to the last few minutes. There is the purest exchange between Terry and Maurice in which their sincere friendship and love for each other rises up. I could feel it, could you?

Listen Here.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


A good friend told me that other night that I need to shorten my blog posts; I think he's right.

While I figure out how to make a point with fewer words (you'd think this would be easy for a poet), I will offer this online version of Shel Silverstein's The Missing Piece and the Big O.


As my friend who sent me this link said, "This says it all."