Thursday, January 27, 2011

Vulnerability and Connection

I recently watched this video on, which is actually the first video I have watched on this site. This is a great place for quality, free, online videos.

My co-founder of Door Stop Productions posted this because it is very true with respect to what we do at open mic. When people get up and share their stories through art, they simultaneously become vulnerable and more open to connect.  It makes sense. We shut down our openness to the world often because we've experienced vulnerability and want to keep that from happening again. But if we want to connect with others, which is really the reason we are here when it comes down to it, we have to open up and admit our vulnerability. I say why not celebrate it.

I was reminded of this as I finished the last post. The state I was in while my body was releasing all that trapped emotion (energy in motion) was incredibly vulnerable. I wasn't hiding who I was anymore, who at that time, was someone feeling a bunch of unpleasant stuff. Not only that, but I was allowing another person to see it. Even more scary.  However, it was the moving through all of it that is allowing me to proceed in my lifetime process of opening. Sharing my journey and helping to guide others in their journeys is really why I do what I do.

Here is the video:

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